To speed up this animation, run the following Terminal command:ĭefaults write NSGlobalDomain NSWindowResizeTime -float 0.001 You can speed up the window resizing animation, creating something that’s slightly choppier, but puts less strain on your Mac’s processor. This animation occurs when you resize a window, and may also occur when you open or save a file within an application. Then, press the “Enter” key and the window opening animations will be restored. If you change your mind and want to restore these animations at any point, then copy/paste the following command into the Terminal:ĭefaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool true To disable window opening animations, copy/paste the following command into the Terminal, and then press the “Enter” key on your keyboard: You can now toggle some of macOS’ most frequently-used animations, on and off: Navigate to “Applications/Utilities” and launch the Terminal.You can disable (and enable) a range of macOS animations, using the Terminal application.